Getting More Help
As children learn how to deal with death, they need space, understanding and patience to grieve in their own way.

As children learn how to deal with death, they need space, understanding and patience to grieve in their own way.
They might not show grief as an adult would. A young child might not cry or might react to the news by acting out or becoming hyperactive. A teen might act annoyed and might feel more comfortable confiding in peers. Whatever their reaction, don’t take it personally. Remember, that learning how to deal with grief is like coping with other physical, mental and emotional tasks, it’s like a process.
Netherless, watch for cry signs that children need help coping with a loss. If a child’s behaviour changes radically, for example, a gregarious and easy going child becomes angry, withdrawn, or extremely anxious, or goes from having straight A’s to D’s in school, seek help.
A doctor, school guidance counsellor or mental health officer could provide assistance and recommendations. Also look for books, websites, support groups and other organisation resources that help people manage with grief.
Adults can’t always shield children from sadness and losses, but helping them learn to cope with them builds emotional resources they can rely on throughout their life.

Great Ideas to Keep loved ones memories alive…
A treasure box – A special box a child can keep all special items of a person who has passed away, including photos, keys, a watch, jewellery, anything which reminds them of the person.
The child can help collect their things and keep them safe. This allows the child an opportunity to look in the treasure box when they choose to, to remind them of their special missed person.
Photo album or Frames around the house – Photos are great to remind children of their loved one. As time goes by some memories may fade but seeing photos help with frustration and reminding them of their loved one.
Here are some links to established charities website, that provide free, support and advice:
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