Children in Grief

Halo is a children’s foundation that supports children and their families with bereavement.

When a loved one dies, it can be difficult to help children cope with the loss, particularly as you work through your own grief. How much children can understand about death depends on their age, life experiences and personality. But there are a few important points to remember in all cases.

Explaining Death in a child’s terms…

Be honest with children and encourage questions. This can be hard because you may not have all the answers. But it’s important to create an atmosphere of comfort and openness, and send the message that there is no right or wrong way to feel. You might also share any spiritual beliefs you have about death.

A child’s capacity to understand death and your approach to discussing it will vary according to the child’s age, as each child is unique. To find out about the different stages and processes click here to read more on helping your child find a way.

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