Mourning The Loss

Halo is a children’s foundation that supports children and their families with bereavement.

Is it right to take children to funerals? It’s up to you and your child. It’s appropriate to let children take part in any mourning ritual – if they want to. First explain what happens at a funeral or memorial and give children the choice of whether to go.

What do you tell a young child about the funeral? You may want to explain that the body of the person who died is going to be in a casket, and that the person won’t be able to talk or see or hear anything. Explain that others may speak about that person who died and that some mourners may cry.

Share any spiritual beliefs you may have about death and explain the meaning of mourning, that you are your family will obscene.

If you think your own grief might prevent you from helping your child at this difficult time, ask a friend or family member to care for and focus on your child during the service. Choose someone you both like and trust who won’t mind leaving the funeral if your child doesn’t want to go.

Many parents worry about letting their children witness their own grief, pain and tears about the death. Don’t – Allowing your child to see your pain shows that crying is a natural reaction to emotional pain and loss. And it can make kids more comfortable sharing their feelings, but it’s also important to convey that no matter how sad you may feel, you’ll still be able to care for your family and make your child feel safe.

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